Late night snacking : Turkey Burgers with sexy toppings

So it was late and I wanted to cook a good meal for my partner in crime that was yummy but relatively easy.

I went a lil overboard but I felt it was worth it. And really not that hard at all.


So I had a lil turkey left over from dumpling making the night before. Random shiitake mushrooms and some other leftovers in the fridge. So here I go.

First things first. Chopped up broccoli and threw it in the turkey with some garlic, soy sauce, pepper and a pinch of salt. I thought since I was gonna have fun with toppings, I’d go simple on the burger itself.
Now I used an egg white to bind the turkey and set the egg yolk aside to make an aioli from scratch.

So peppers went in and roasted away


Then next. The aioli.

Basically aioli is fancy for mayonnaise. It’s egg yolks and oil. The key is to make sure you whisk the egg yolk enough and make it fluffy enough to incorporate the oil and thicken it into a mayo like consistency rather than a vinaigrette.
So I whisked egg yolk with mustard to start and then drizzled EVOO into it slowly. Then once I achieved the consistency I wanted, I added some lemon juice, parsley, fresh pressed garlic and some Parmesan cheese.


So turkey getting done woot woot


Anddddddd finally all my sexy friends are ready to be dressed.
I also sliced up some baby cucumbers to add a nice fresh crunch to the sandwich.


And finally with my toasted ciabatta roll.



She thought it was good, the lil beggar. =)


One thought on “Late night snacking : Turkey Burgers with sexy toppings

  1. Aunty Kat says:

    Wow, that’s a lot of effort for a late night snack 🙂 Looks very yummy! Love the dog photo too!!

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