Thanksgiving leftovers!

Thanksgiving turkey! We all love it and we gorged on it last week.

So after a week of eating turkey and stuffing, let’s move on to a week of awesome turkey soup!!

In Malaysia, we cook with everything. We try to use every single bit of meat, vegetable and scrap we can and this definitely translates well to thanksgiving leftovers.

There is already so much flavor in the carcass of the turkey from roasting it for several hours, so half your job is done there.

We roasted our turkey with a garlic, ginger, rosemary and sage rub so all those flavors were definitely in the profile already. In the pot it goes!!


And of course the standard soup fillers and flavors.
Carrots, celery, onions and garlic. Gotta have that garlic =)
I also added ginger to the pot cos I love the flavor of it and how well it marries with other spices so easily.


Add white wine, more rosemary and thyme if you wish and let it get going!!


So fast forward to a few hours later. After going through the fridge for leftovers we come up with the following soup concoction:
Pulled turkey meat, of course
Baked potatoes sliced
Butternut squash ravioli
And yummy broth with carrots and celery!

The raviolis were an afterthought but I felt that they would go well in a way that dumplings go well in chicken and dumpling soup =)
An odd combination no doubt, but certainly enjoyable. (At least my belly certainly did!)
